"Live your purpose passionately and fearlessly"

“Making Sacred Love is Like Being an Alchemist”



Making sacred love is like being an alchemist. To be able to deeply connect to your lover is an art. I believe a great lover is someone who can go beyond the self. Someone who is a master of giving and receiving. Someone who is “attention to detail”. Someone who is selfless.

To be able to connect deeply when you engage with someone intimately you must step beyond your neediness, selfishness, your preconceived notions, your expectations, your mind and you step into the gap. You stop thinking and start becoming. Your touch becomes magic, your breath becomes one and your movement unites.
A simple touch can heal a soul. When you touch in a way that is not self-seeking, passionate and alive it opens the heart to full expansion. When you realize that everything is sacred and your connection runs deep; love can flow to its fullest potential.
If you pay attention to the need of the moment you begin to be guided in ways that are magical and not habitual, mechanical and the ever repeating known. Pay attention to your partner and where they are at today; not yesterday, not last week, not a year ago, not when you first met but TODAY!
How is their body feeling? How are they emotionally? Who are they NOW? Approach them after you have considered these things. Truly approach them in a way that is fitting to this moment. You receive what you give. Get out of your head. Get out of your selfishness and neediness. Connect. Deeply connect.
Be an inspired lover. You have the ability to be abundant in this area of life if you are willing. You can experience unity beyond your wildest imagination if you step into your grace. Honor, love and respect your partner as if they are a God or Goddess.
With every touch, kiss, hug, brush of the hair, gaze in the eyes and so on you have the opportunity to fully express universal LOVE. Not lust, your neediness, not your burden, not your baggage, not your victimhood, not your self-serving way of being but your heartfelt love. It is on a cosmic level. If you are connecting purely through the physical you have only reached the elementary level of uniting.
I don’t care if you are man or woman we ALL desire deep connection and authentic initmacy. How do you know when you have BOTH deeply connected? Time has transcended, thought has faded, connection is effortlessly, the eyes become vessels to the soul and bliss has arrived.
If we spent 10 mins a day of deep authentic unattached intimacy with one another the heart would unlock. Every human being needs daily loving touch to thrive. This doesn’t nessessarily mean having sex. If you don’t know how to connect deeply with another soul then you are purely interacting on a superfisical level of fulfilling your 5 senses. It is not on a heart level. It is not sustainable, desireable nor truly fulfilling. Pleasure seekly for your 5 senses only leaves you in a state of constant consuming, seeking, needing, wanting. Do not get confusioned and start thinking rigidly. Fulfilling your 5 senses is beautiful when you are not attached to the desire through your neediness.
Start practicing deep connection on all levels; co-creation, co-existence, etc. Deeply listening, observing, interacting, caring. Take in information, digest it, distribute it, intergrate it and then use it. Be emotionally intelligent. Step into action while being in your wisdom. Be masterful. Be conscious. Go beyond the self. Deeply connect without agenda and see what transpires. 

A Goddess Warrior


A Goddess Warrior

A warrior does not function “in” anger and fear with the idea of destroying anything that comes in their way. They work “through” the “anger energy” transmuting it and using that flow positively. A true warrior is wise and looks for peace first. A true warrior finds grace, honor, wisdom, seeing the big picture, is not reactive but responsive, highly intuitive and fierce.

A women who is goddess warrior uses her Shakti power. She represents immense female power, focus and strength. She knows her power and does not need validation or approval. She is deeply Self-respecting, intuitive and represents the end of Self-Denial and Self- Sabotage. She is deeply balanced, courageous and claws through layers to pierce through “stories” and dharma.

I believe when most are saying they are a warrior they not encompassing what I am speaking about. They are functioning in anger, fear, anxiety, suppression of their own intuition, frustration from not standing in their power, etc. This will not lead anyone to victory. It will essentially drain you, age you and fog your clarity.

Learn to embody the true alchemy of what it takes to be a “Goddess Warrior”.

“Chai Wallah Thought” (Disapproval)

Straight from Rishikesh, India.

Chai Wallah Thought of the day:


So many of us share the vision and inspiration to bring peace to this world. We perform many different devotional practices daily to attain and embody this inward peace so it emanates from within us and radiates outward. We devote ourselves to God so we are a mirror reflecting to everyone around us that each one us is a vision of our creator. Triggering the memory within us to remind each other that we all come from the same place, are the same and are a unique expression of the same.
I ask, “Why do we spend so much time in disapproval of one another?”; “Why do we think we know what is best for another soul?”; “Why do we project our fears, insecurities, judgements, ignorance on the other?”; “Why do we not trust each other and create jealousy, anger, resentment, fear and negativity?”; “What would it be like to see each other as God, in our highest self and trust that the other is all knowing?”. I ask but do not wish to linger in the knowing of the how or the why. I wish to absorp myself in the actions, listening, deeply observing another, connecting in depth, having a shared experience, finding compassion, being universally friendly, strength, happiness, being of service without an agenda, honoring another, devoting myself to supreme being and allowing myself to experience what it must be like to be another human being. Wishing for all to go beyond the self and their petty, pathetic needs while learning to deeply honor another human being and always find the love. Truly seeing the expression of God in all and trusting the process of life.

“Coffee Shop Thought” (Control)


Control is not the answer to anything in this world. Control comes from fear. Fear creates a negative, strained environment. It is a knee jerk reaction to apply strict rules, take things away and lock everything down. You want to drive the message not be driven by the message. Deep thought, understanding and responsibility needs to occur for a sustainable plan of action to happen. Our bright future depends on enlightened, clear thought. Find the source and deep roots of our problems. Our focus must be on creating happiness within. Our energy must be put fully into individual and collective sustainable happiness. The problems of our world are not guns, knives, violence, stones, fires, drugs, government, poor quality of food, etc. The problem is ourselves. We are the weapons of destruction. Take responsibility and proactive action in your self healing and happiness. Peace can only happen if it is created from within first. A true willingness and surrender. If you want to make difference in the world become an amazingly happy person who is functioning in a high vibration. Stop sourcing out. Stop putting bandaids on everything. Stop blaming other people. Stop controlling. Stop gossiping. Stop putting energy into negativity. Get real with yourself and those around you. Stop trying to solve everyone else’s problem through fear and limitation. You become a driving force of pure love. Heal, empower, inspire.

“Coffee Shop Thought” (A Pioneer)

A Pioneer

Some of us are meant to be pioneers of our time. A pioneer is one who is the first or among the earliest of any field of inquiry, enterprise, progress. We are not meant to be ordinary. We are not meant to follow others. We are not meant to step in the footsteps that were already made. We were born to be courageous and walk into the dark fearlessly paving the way for others to follow. We were born to be strong-willed, determined and visionaries. We were born to follow our own inner guidance and divine inspiration even if everyone on the outside looking in is perplexed by our actions, fearful within themselves, lacking trust and bewildered of the future. We were born to make impactful history and shine light for the future. We were born to stand alone and embrace it until everyone is ready to stand with us. A pioneer is someone who makes the world shift and leads all into evolution.

“A Cry for Freedom and a Heart that Swelled” (Installment 5)


I woke at dawn staring into the darkness. Deep sadness looming over me. I couldn’t hold back the tears. I let them flood my eyes and flow down my cheeks. Streams of tears sourcing from my heart which was the space in which my son was held. My heart was yearning for my little one and the only way it knew how to express itself was through the water element of letting go. I allowed for myself to feel. I was deeply experiencing the love I had for my other half that had once lived within me; my baby boy. He is the only male who has captured my heart in such a way.

I was not suffering. I felt I was letting go of rigid attachment. Having been adopted myself I had a deeply rooted fear of never leaving my child. On the opposite end of my fear I had observed so many mothers that held on so tightly to their children throughout the years of their offsprings young lives that I felt it had a crippling effect on the individuality of both the mother and child. My preference with the upbringing of my son was slowly over time to let him go so he and I could fully fly happily into our own purpose. Piece by piece, little by little letting go.

It had always been my opinion that a good mother is one that sees the big picture and is able to make her decisions based upon that knowingness while balancing the now. I was presently experiencing the very beginning stage of my son’s freedom from his mother. The fear of no control and faint attachment overwhelmed my being. This was a new layer of my motherhood journey forming.

I began the process of allowing myself to submit to the releasing of my son in the most healthy way possible for his own good as well as mine. I purged. I cried in a way that I am sure was not graceful and I did not care. I gave myself the space and time. When finishing I fell into an abyssal transcendent state.

Chai was swirling around my taste buds and entering my stomach. I was sitting poolside and waiting for our 7 a.m. group meditation and yoga. I was enjoying the sun and company.

I stepped into the beautiful yoga hall. This space was extremely celestial and peaceful. It was encased by open windows which allowed for the air to flow through and the beautiful bubbling sounds of the river rippling around. The room was large and open. The north end of the space is where Anand sat upon the stage instructing. A large gong placed near him, the wall behind him painted in a warm terra cotta color, with a massive brass statue of Lord Shiva dancing in ring of fire; Nataraja enriching the whole background. It was a powerful stage.

Our morning practice had begun. I was feeling slightly off with my movement which is rare for me to experience having been an athlete and fitness professional. It made me laugh and feel humble.
The class picked up its intensity and I was going along for the ride. Anand instructed us to engage through eye contact with one person in the room, find the primal survival animal within and project out the loudest yell to the other as if your life counted on it. We repeated this over and over. Our movement was intense and explosive. The sounds erupting from each one of us was beyond anything I had ever heard before. It was animate and we were connecting with our most natural state of being. I was riding a wave of release when boom, it hit me.

She was there. I was experiencing Her again. It had been years. I didn’t know if I should jump for joy or run the other way. I suddenly began to have an out of body experience. I was innocently witnessing myself. I listened to this voice that was roaring like a wild lioness. It scared me, yet I was intrigued. I had only ever connected with this supreme Shakti Devi one other time in my life.

The past was becoming the present and I continued to abide. I was reliving the sensory level and emotions of birthing my son. This Shakti Devi (the supreme Self) was the one who had been there to guide me through the last five hours of birthing my baby. At that point of my labor everyone had been asleep. It was myself lunging in my birthing pool of water at home and this amazing inner voice guiding me to my power. She gave me the strength and courage to continue on through the hardest physical, mental, emotional exertion of my life. That Shakti Devi empowered me to dig deeply and go beyond our human capacity of pain threshold and accomplish a completely natural birth allowing me to feel every subtle sensation of my child descending down through my birth canal. This powerful experience was exalted within me again. That was the only time I had ever heard myself scream like that until now.

I was overwhelmed. I had been consumed in the present. The tears were uncontrollable as we came to closure with our primal exercise. We stood silently in place. Anand instructed us to place the left hand over the heart chakra followed by the right hand. By this point I felt as though I could not breathe nor hold back. Streaming tears, a calmness, a resolute embodiment was occurring.

Anand walked up behind me and placed his hand on the back of my heart chakra. I was starting to feel gratitude, freedom, expansion and love in a magnitude that was off the Richter scale. I could not speak. I could not internally say that I was feeling anything other than positivity for what had just transpired.

After my son’s birth I had longed to connect with this powerful being again. I had always felt lost in finding Her, wondering if or when she would return. I had this deep desire and need for Her.

When class ended I continued to cry soft tears from being overcome. It was beyond beautiful. I felt like I shifted into a new state of being. My desire of shedding the layers while staying vulnerable created the outward and inward effect of the feminine Goddess I yearned to be.

I dived into the pool, mixed my tears with the water and stayed vulnerable. I found what I had been looking for. My Shakti had been awakened . Victory, profound joy and deep gratitude were dominating me. I had come to India to find Her.
The Sequel: Four Peaks of Freedom

“Coffee Shop Thoughts” (Being A Mother)

Being a Mother

Life has so much more meaning when you become a mother and everything else seems so silly after you usher through that transition phase. There is a point though when each mother feels the need to step into her own separate self from her children and live her soul journey with complete fulfillment. Most mothers completely surrender themselves for their children’s journey’s for so long that they neglect their spirit and forget how to interact with the world. The timing is different for every mother of reclaiming her individuality. It is so important for the feminine collective consciousness that we all at some point embrace our souls purpose for this lifetime. Our children will benefit from the example of it. This new generation deserves to have powerful, purposeful, fearless mothers who contribute to the world beyond the gift of motherhood. The feminine energy needs to rise in the collective and us women can ALL play an active part in transforming and bringing more balance and peace to our world.

“A Cry for Freedom and a Heart that Swelled” (Installment 4)

The River Lesson

I woke at dawn, dwelling in a state of happiness that I had a morning all to myself before we had our group yoga session at 7 a.m. Being a mother in the past I might have dreaded the thought of being woken up at dawn and dealing with whatever was happening at that moment leaving me to slightly suffer throughout the day from the lack of sleep but today was different. This was nature waking me and the only energy I had to dispense was to myself.

I rose up and tip-toed over to my tall glass door that opened up to a terrace. I was on the top floor of one of the buildings at Sattva Center and personally I felt I had the best view of the property. We were in the foothills of the Himalayas (the valley of Rishikesh). We were encased by the mountains with a small river running through at the base that not too far away flowed and merged into the Ganga.

It was beautiful. I could barely see. The sun had the smallest moments of revealing its rays of light. The mountains only showing as beautiful silhouettes. The silence was comforting and inviting. The temperature was warm and the sounds of nature echoed through my ears. At that hour I only had noticed the grounds keeper up and walking around. I pulled a chair out from my room onto the veranda, sat comfortably, closed my eyes and transcended.

The light from the sun was slowly entering through my softly lidded eyes and I knew it was time to let go of the unmanifest. It was still a bit early for our yoga session. Fortunately it meant I had time to ask the kitchen chef’s to make me a chai, relax and socialize with those who were early risers.

The few who were up early sipped on our divine tea, chatted, unveiling ourselves more to one another while we waited for our 7 a.m. class to begin. With minutes remaining before we were due to our class we funneled in one by one. Each one of us choosing our yoga mat, positioning ourselves in the room, gently stretching and waiting for our teacher Anand to arrive.

First we had meditation with Anand. It was layers of kriyas ending with the group chanting a bija mantra in unison. There were flash moments where Anand looked as though he was the embodiment of Shiva and it was powerful.

We broke briefly after meditating only to resume with our yoga practice twenty minutes later. A flow had begun. Anand was passionate and inspiring with his movement. All of us mirroring the energy to own degree of capability. This was a powerful practice. I had not experienced anything in the West that came close to this.

Our Sattva Yoga session incorporated warrior like movements/asanas, pranayama, mantras, intuitiveness, sound healing, etc. And, one can never forget Anand’s amazing music collection.

As we came to the closure of our class all I seemed to be able to hear was the sounds of river rippling through the open windows of the room. I was drenched in sweat and envisioning myself submerged into the river with the water wrapping around my body. I was thankful we are done cause my mind had moved on yet I was grateful for such a beautiful yoga class.

Intuitively we all moved towards the gates leading us down to the river. We all had the same thought of plunging ourselves into that water. The feeling of joy arose and the invigorating sensation of the cool water on my body was amazing.

In India it is a unspoken rule that women stay covered completely when entering the water unlike in America. For me there was something so liberating about the fact that I could walk into the water fully clothed and not have to reveal myself in any way. I didn’t have to worry about what my body looked like, if my swimsuit would stay on in the current, too much sun exposure, etc. Add on the fact I have always been someone who is impeccable with dressing myself. Needless to say it was a letting go experience to walk into a river with my clothes on, lay on top of the rocks and dirt. Such beauty in not caring.

Most of the men crossed over the river and were standing on the other side enjoying themselves. The rest of us were found either standing in the current, lying down on the rocks in the shallow parts or sitting in the water.

This is where I had a moment of thinking I should either cross the river or flow down with the current a bit. I did not give it too much thought. Unfortunately I should have had more clarity. Before I knew it I had entered the river in its fullest flow without definite intention. This makes me laugh with embarrassment but I actually without effort eased into the strong current, swam a little front stroke, flipped over to back stroke and was thinking this was great until I realized there was no way I was going to make it all the way over to the other side with such a lame strategy. It was over. The river took hold of me and I needed to go with the flow of the situation I made for myself. I knew I needed to continue down the stream and slowly allow for myself to edge closer to the bank of river. Now I knew I had been dumb cause the river had full control over me but I did not panic. With each moment of getting closer to the perimeter my hips were hitting rocks along the way. I finally managed to get out after taking a bit of a beating but, dammit it, my hips were killing me. I was afraid to look at what happened so I chose to nonchalantly look at what happened to my body. My five second examination concluded with seeing slight damage to the skin; large bruised abrasions. Enough to know the healing would be a couple weeks.

Trying not to completely mentally beat myself up I chose to stay composed. I walked back lackadaisically to where everyone was and entered the river again placing myself in the lying down position allowing for the water to fully run around the crown of my head and over my body. I was transfixed in thought. Thinking to myself, “How I went down that river is exactly how I live my life at this point in time!”; “I don’t have full clarity all the time when I leap. I sometimes do things with half intention”; “I do have full faith that I will always rise to the top making it through whatever it takes, but at what cost?”; “Why do I make myself suffer when all I have to do is be clear and powerful with my thought?”; “My life always turns out amazing, but why I am willing to get a little beat up along the way?”; “What am I trying to prove?”; “This is not what I want anymore”; “I am over suffering at any level”; “I am over not being powerfully clear with my intentions”; “I am over going with the flow naively”; “I am ready to embrace my power, my journey, my dharma, my purpose and do it gracefully with assertiveness”; “I am ready to be my Shakti Devi”.

I walked away thanking the river deeply for teaching me my first big lesson. The door was opening and inviting me to step into my power. I was receiving.
The Sequel: Four Peaks Of Freedom


“A Cry for Freedom and a Heart that Swelled” (Installment 3)


I was truly enjoying myself and the connections I was making within our “Four Sacred Peaks” group. I felt as though I was on cloud nine. There was stimulating, deep, intelligent conversations happening with and all around me. People were eager, curious, open, happy and excited about our journey into the Himalayas. It was all established in authenticity. Even with our group knowing our adventure and almost every moment was being filmed for a documentary it was still as real as it gets. No one was putting on an act and it felt as though the cameras were not even there. True beauty with true reality.

Our journey into the Himalayas was already forming into one that would be unpredictable. India had experienced one of the biggest monsoon season’s in a long time and Anand was literally remapping our travel upon our arrival. Roads had been washed out and bridges had fallen, etc. Nature always knows best how to organize.

The plan was to be at Sattva for four days practicing yoga, meditating, riding the motorbikes, getting use to the roads/driving, filming, doing last minute things in town (Rishikesh) and becoming more familiar with each other.

I remember being told to film ourselves before we left for India to show a bit of our home life. As much as I have a love for film, transformation and being a part of projects as a vulnerable character, I was a little terrified. With my first video I had already become the chick who was crying about everything, well, mainly leaving my 3 year old son. I was hoping I had left that at home.

Our first night had ended and I found myself alone in my room looking at my iPhone swiping through photo’s of my beloved son. Tears began to roll down my cheeks and my heart began to tug with tiny bits of love pain. I was feeling the separation of mother/son. Being completely honest I will tell you for three years straight I have slept almost every night in the same bed with my son and in the waking state have been by his side every moment since birth. I had not missed one second of his precious young life. The separation was real and deep. I had prepared him for it but I hadn’t realized I wasn’t fully prepared.

I shut my phone off and vowed not to do that to myself again. I wanted to honor myself in the experience I had set out to do which was to connect with me again, not to suffer. No more torture with photos. It was time to be present. No need to be anywhere else. My husband had left me with these last few words, “Completely detach from domestic life. Go have fun. No need to call. We will all be fine and look forward to hearing from you in a month. I love you.” I had total permission from my love, my inner Goddess and the universe. I listened. If there is one thing I have learned from motherhood it is not to waste time. When you have alone time you make the absolute most out it even if it’s five minutes or one month! Moving forward.

I climbed into my king size bed, pulled the covers over me, laid my head down and shut my eyes. I allowed myself to find the joy of sleeping in an empty bed which I had long ago loved in my twenties. I drifted into blackness, silence and experienced restfulness in a way that I hadn’t in years.
The Sequel: The Four Sacred Peaks

“A Cry for Freedom and a Heart that Swelled” (Installment 2)

The Arrival

I opened my eyes from my jet-lagged black out still seated in the passenger seat of the highly orchestrated weaving van moving along the roads of India. I was really here. I had truly plunged and taken my leap of faith. The net did catch me cause I was riding through the zig zagging forest road that was leading us through the hillside of Rishikesh. Again, I witnessed my sense of ease and feeling of being at home. This triggered the child inside of me and happiness revealed itself through a smile.

Our approach to Sattva Center was coming soon and the joy of seeing Anand as well as meeting our adventurous group was only minutes away. The last time I had seen Sattva was in its beginning stages where Anand, my husband and I had lunch under a tent by the streaming river because the structures had not been fully built.

It was lovely to pull up to a driveway that was beautifully gated. The doors opened allowing us through and down the hillside to the property of Sattva. It was even better than I had remembered while still being as magical and transcendent. We were immediately greeted with smiles and help. Anand was standing, kindly smiling and powerfully instructing his people at Sattva on the details of our arrival. A sense of being taken care was immediate. Each of the four us in the van stepped out. Mario, Ken, Aizhan and myself were ushered to our rooms and given time to settle in. One by one our group of the Four Sacred Peaks were streaming in.

I felt excited, energized, a little jet-lagged, happy, young and relieved that I had nothing to do except relax. I felt I could truly embrace my freedom and break through some barriers while being in this amazing environment. It is funny though, when we have moments of stepping into the new that we find ourselves slightly not knowing what to do next. I found myself jumping from one relaxing thought to the next. Do I unpack? Take a shower? Meditate? Lay down? Write? Read? So much freedom and no distraction. Again, bliss. I lost myself in the transcending state and awoke to a knock on my door. Hours had gone by. The group was waiting for everyone to gather, meet, greet and share our first meal together.

I couldn’t wait to connect with the fellow riders and learn about each one. Some of them I knew, though not deeply, and mostly I would be meeting everyone for the first time. I have always thrived off of the unknown, meeting new people and learning. It was beautiful to see all of their faces. We gathered in a circle, sat in our wicker chairs near the poolside and listened to Anand greet us all. He always has such grace, poise, wisdom and childlike joy to share.

There were eighteen of us including Anand seated in this circle. It was time to introduce ourselves, share a little something about who we were and why we came. I looked around at all the faces taking it in. I was slightly distracted by my excitement of actually being there. It was my first trip in four years that I had done alone and I was still reveling in the fact that I made this desire happen.

I listened and became fascinated by our eclectic group. It was becoming apparent to me how special we all were. We had come from all over the world and all walks of life. We were seeking the unknown and desiring profound spiritual experiences. I felt what made us most unique was we all seemed to be a bit of a black sheep in our own worlds and thrill seekers. I had never been with a group of people who possessed all of these same qualities. For the first time I was not the only one who had gone sky diving, snow boarding, down a zip line in the middle of a jungle, 4-wheeling in the jungles of Costa Rica, etc. I felt this experience was going to be unforgettable and fun.

At this point I had concluded we were a charismatic bunch of characters and this was my quick diagnoses:
Mario- an athlete, world traveler, a big heart, a lover, a giver, a seeker of Vedic knowledge, someone who loves an adventure, school of hard knocks and wants to experience everything like a child, the life of the party.
Ken- an intellect/scholar, a high achiever, a big heart, perceptive, funny, witty, a new seeker of spirituality, curious, grounded, happy, content.
Anna- my friend, a mother, a nurturer, an artist, a teacher, an entrepreneur, sensitive, huge heart, a giver, a healer, compassionate, a woman stepping into her power.
Elle- a strong woman, determined, goal oriented, established, bold, tough yet glamorous.
Mark- a strong man with a soft heart, lovable, genuine, seeking, a world traveler, a healer, a lover of knowledge.
Fred- the elder, eager, accomplished, established in years of experience and life, seeking a greater meaning, open.
Maria- innocent beauty, smart, free, deeply observant, artist, fearless, happy, grateful, joyful to be experiencing it all.
Adam- the student of life, the joker, the filmmaker, the visionary, the athlete, the boy, the performer, stepping into his own.
Katrina- beautiful smile, her eyes are the window to her soul, feminine, playful, digging deep, the silent observer, a girl yet a woman, breaking her way through old and new barriers.
Elana- sweet hearted, softness, feminine, princess, deeply caring, seeking, ready to love and be loved, eager to figure out her next step in life.
Alexis- the power of hair, sensitive, aware, beautiful smile, a seeker of wisdom and knowledge, a teacher, feminine, a healer and a lover.
Regina- a queen, soft heart, the feminine goddess, a healer, the master of style and quality, a sense of humor, deep, contagious laughter and a giggle of a child.
Aizhan- a woman, beauty, world traveler, wise, deep, seeking new experience and expansion, embracing the unknown willingly.
Jennifer- a mother, a lover, sensitive, quiet, taking it all in, courageous, seeking, a hidden shy beauty, an artist.
Jeff- the cool one, distant yet curious, fun, light hearted, sensitive, an artist, stylish, balanced, seeking clarity and answers with detachment.
Ryan- the outsider, silent observer, sensitive, a healer, curious, open, strong, kind heart, nurturer, humble, beautiful inside and out.
Kim- bold, powerful, loving, nurturing, masculine yet feminine, a lover, a teacher, wise, humble, observant, massively of service, intriguing.
Scott- filmmaker, soft heart, hard worker, divine, innocent, youthful, boyish, talented, driven, open, curious, stepping into manhood, a romantic, a lover.
Anand- a powerful born leader, wise beyond his years, full of joy, a risk taker, a black sheep, a visionary, bold, boyish, fun loving, playful, passionate, a destructor of irrelevancy (Shiva), dynamic, intelligent, divine, transcendent, a man of many faces, a true master forming in his youth.
Myself- a mother, a nurturer, feminine, athletic, a healer, a teacher, lover of wisdom/knowledge, a warrior/queen, an observer, bold, Kali, seeker of playfulness, a lover and on a mission to break through to the next level.

This was our group through my eyes and state of consciousness.
The Sequel: Four Peaks Of Freedom